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The destination has been reached! Autostrada, MASZBUD and ROTRA expos are now a part of history.
More than 10,000 visitors, 418 companies which used 30,000 m2 of the exhibition space and 10 road construction conferences – this is a nut-shell description of the Autostrada, MASZBUD and ROTRA expos held from 8 to 10 May.
Together, with the Polish Chamber of Steelwork, at a large collective stand, following companies presented their offer:
- KERSTEN EUROPE sp. z o.o.,
- METALBARK sp. z o.o. sp. k.,
- PPUH Konstalex sp. z o.o.,
- SIKA POLAND sp. z o.o.,
- STACO POLSKA sp. z o.o.,
- TERMIKA sp. z o.o.,
- Urząd Dozoru Technicznego,
- ZinkPower Szczecin sp. z o.o.
The ceremonial opening of the Fair took place on May 8 at 10:00 am – the event was inaugurated by the President of the Board of Targi Kielce – Andrzej Mochoń. Shortly after, the PIKS joint stand was visited by Marek Chodkiewicz – undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Infrastructure. He talked to the Chamber Authorities for several minutes. In the evening of the same day a gala was held during which the Gold Medals of Targi Kielce were given – we are pleased to inform that the award for the 20th anniversary of the company’s activity was collected by Bartłomiej Baudler – Managing Director of KERSTEN EUROPE sp. z o.o.
On the second day of the Fair, the conference “Steel car parkings” was organized by the Partners of the BUILD WITH STEEL.
After the Conference, the pace of the second day of the Fair didn’t slow down – a moment later the Managing Director of KERSTEN EUROPE Bartłomiej Baudler began celebrating the 20th anniversary of his company – there was a champagne and cake. At the ceremony appeared Tadeusz Rybak (President of PIKS and President of the Board of MOSTOSTAL PUŁAWY S.A.), Zbigniew Miodowski (Vice-President of the PIKS and President of the Board ZinkPower Szczecin sp. z o.o.) and Zbigniew Barłóg (Member of the Board of PIKS and President of the Board of METALBARK sp. z oo sp. k.).
We would like to thank all exhibitors and visitors for joint participation in the AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA 2018 Fair!